I left Superior before it was light this morning. I thought I would be beating the traffic but I was dead wrong. The road was almost bumper to bumper cars, pickup trucks and mining trucks. I had 2600 feet to climb and the road was narrow with very little shoulder space for me to ride in. I had a few close drive bys but I survived.
The climb was difficult to say the least. My legs felt like rubber almost before I started. I stopped to rest often and even tried to walk sometimes. Walking is hard for me so I knew I was a bit over doing it today. All I want to do is get to Globe. 26 miles does not seem like too much to ask out of these tired old muscles.
The scenery was awesome yet again. It is impossible to capture on my little camera. I keep trying and then I look at the pics and I have to laugh because they just do not capture the grandeur and majesty of these scenes. I will try to focus more on the smaller things that I can actually get in a pic from now on.
I was so tired I skipped taking lots of great pics this morning. My camera battery was also almost dead. I thought I had a fully charged one in my bag but found out that it was also dead. Such is life. I need to plan a bit better I guess. This is not all about pics though.
I am sitting in Globe at a coffee shop catching up on my computer things. My legs are still burning. When I stand up I am not sure I will be able to walk at all. The next couple of days are not as difficult with climbing but then in New Mexico I have one pass at 8,228 feet. I hope I survive that one. Maybe they will find my body on the side of the road dead from a heart attack or run over by one of these big mining trucks. Such is life and death.