The ride was frustrating to start. I do not have a gps this time so I wrote down the directions in a list such as L on Main Right on Willow etc. My plan only lasted a couple of miles because I ran into a detour and once the detour ended I was no longer on the route and had no idea where I was. I tried to find it on the map I had but with my old man vision and the tiny print I was struggling. I stopped a couple time to ask for directions but I found that the Kiwis I asked were not very good at directions. It isn’t really their fault because the roads have no planning at all. They all just go where ever usually in winding curving or which ever way the drunken cow walked that they followed when they laid out the roads.
I did manage to find my way out of town but most of my riding today was urban rush hour type riding and I did not like it very much. There was one bike path that was good with two bike bridges over freeways. When the city finally ended the road turned into a two laner with 4-10” of shoulder. There was not much traffic but due to that jerk Murphy they always seemed to be where I was at the same time and there just wasn’t room for two cars or trucks and a bike on the narrow road. The drivers played well except for a few that came way too close at about 55 or 60 mph.
The rain started just as I left the city. It felt good when it was the nice light mist here and there. The wind picked up and of course blew right in my face. Then as I neared the ocean the heavy rain started. I was pumping up rolling hills on winding roads with poor visibility. It was just not safe so I stopped at a store and waited. The heavy rain stopped and I took off again only to have it dump again. That is when the hotel just happened to be there. Here I sit short of my destination but slowly drying out. I hope the weather tomorrow is better. Hotels are just not in my budget. I can’t post this because the hotel has no wifi but the campground I was going to did so go figure. Not much for pics because of the rain, More later…