I have decided to take a couple of weeks off here in Granada Nicaragua. Semana Santa starts next week and will go through Easter Sunday on the 19th of April. Central and most of South America use Semana Santa as their national vacation week. The locals swarm out on the roads and crowd the beaches for their week off. All the hotels and things get fully booked up and thousands of people sleep on the beaches and party hardy. In the end, the beaches are covered with garbage and human excrement. It is not a pleasant sight and it is not a healthy place. To avoid all that madness I am just going to relax here in Granada where I can stay in a cheap hostel with good fellow tourists and travelers. I will get the latest opinions from these travelers about all the places around here that people travel to. I love hearing their experiences.
I pepper them with questions and try to get them to talk about their experiences and about their opinions of the local culture and so forth. I find the diversity of their points of view to be very entertaining. I learn a lot from them. Places that I would not think about going or never wanted to go to are the most interesting for me to hear about. I also like to hear about their trials and tribulations with staying healthy and safe. I have talked with a number of people that have been robbed on the streets in various places. I like to try to figure out where they went wrong to put them in a place where they would have trouble. Most of the time it involves drinking booze or smoking pot and being out at night, or trying to score that lid of weed out on the street.
I have not come across anyone that was injured during a robbery and I have not come across any rapes. I did overhear a taxi driver and a bus driver talking about various traveling women that got into serious trouble in Nicaragua usually meaning raped and assaulted or seriously injured. It does happen. It also happens everywhere in the world. The stories the two drivers were talking about were scary ones that should not happen to anybody, even stupid people. But such is life.
I may update a couple times while I am taking this time off but otherwise I won't be blogging much until I get back out on the roads. PURAVIDA