I spent last night camped next to the Coyote Bar and Cafe in Aguila, Arizona. The locals were complaining about the lawlessness of the little town. They have no police and rely on police coming from 25 miles away they said. Crime has been rampant and lots of people have just left the town rather than try to fight back. Sounds like Clint Eastwood could still find work. I had no problems at all.
I pigged out on food and drank a couple beers while we talked about the crime and life in general. I hope I did not stir up too much animosity with all my questions and opinions about the crime problems. I checked out early and went to put up my tent and went straight to sleep for the night.
I left before 6AM and by 8AM I ate breakfast 25 miles up the road at Wickenburg. The ride to Wickenburg was a long slow climb of about 1000' there were a few smaller climbs later that totalled maybe another 500' otherwise the ride from Wickenburg to Phoenix was downhill or flat on a good smooth road with a nice shoulder. I made it to Phoenix in only 6 hours for an 86 mile ride. Once in Phoenix however there was suddenly no shoulder, a rough road and crazy drivers. This town is not real bike friendly so far as I have seen. Cars were zooming by me with only inches of clearance and usually blasting their horns like I was a criminal for being on their road. I felt like I was back in Florida again where they are the worst in the country.
I tried to follow the directions on my map to a campground and got totally lost when the directions did not match up with the streets. I tried to use my phone but the sun was so bright and I had so much salt in my eyes from sweating that I asked a kid on the street to look at the phone and tell me how to get there. That worked out ok. The campground is nice and clean and quiet. They did warn me that several bikes have been stolen from the park in the last month, never a good thing to hear. I am here though. I did laundry and showered. I have recovered now from my century ride today. My usual burrito for dinner. Now I will catch up with my computer stuff and be off to sleep. I may stay here and rest for a couple maybe even three days...we shall see. I am taking it a day at a time.
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